TOS Calculator

The TOS Calculator window displays when you click:

NOTE: The DS header field defines and supersedes any definitions of the IPv4 TOS octet and the IPv6 Traffic Class octet.

Per Hop Behavior (PHB)

Defines how traffic belonging to a particular behavior aggregate is treated at an individual network node. PHB and sets of PHBs are encoded in an unsigned 16 bit binary field (compatible with most of the deployed forwarding treatments selected by the IP Precedence field).

Select the required Per Hop Behavior classification.

  • Default (Best Effort)

  • Class Selector

  • Expedited Forwarding

  • Assured Forwarding - Low

  • Assured Forwarding - Medium

  • Assured Forwarding - High

  • Unknown

Class Selector

Indicates the code points mapped to PHBs. Select the Class Selector Code point available and mapped with the selected PHB.

Class Selector

Per Hop Behavior

N/A (Default = 0)

Default (Best Effort)

CS1 - 001000

CS2 - 010000

CS3 -011000

CS4 -100000

CS5 -101000

CS6 -110000

CS7 -111000

Class Selector

N/A (Default =  184)

Expedited Forwarding

AF11 - 001010

AF21 - 010010

AF31 - 011010

AF41 - 100010

Assured Forwarding - Low

AF12 - 001100

AF22 - 010100

AF32 - 011100

AF42 - 100100

Assured Forwarding - Medium

AF13 - 001110

AF23 - 010110

AF33 - 011110

AF43 - 100110

Assured Forwarding - High

N/A (Default = 0)



Value (Hex)



Displays based on your selection of Per Hop Behavior and Class Selector.

NOTE: You may also enter a Hex, Decimal, or Binary value to automatically display the Class Selector and the mapped Per Hop Behavior, if applicable. If the value is not mapped, then the PHB displays as Unknown.



Click OK to display the calculated TOS value or cancel to discard any changes.