Connect to a SUT

Use the System Under Test Administration window... to open a Connect/SSH session to the SUT.

To Connect to the SUT:

  1. Look up the SUT...

  2. Click Connect to open the Connect to System Under Test window/Virtual Terminal

  3. Click Connect to display the Connect to System Under Test Virtual Terminal Window. 

  4. $IP, $USER, and $PORT replaced with IP, username and port. User edits the value from default. It will be executed as the user writes it. Default values are build based on the Operating System. When a user uses the EXACT Default command , LS adds shell prefix commands to the string, but if just one character is different from the Default command, we do NOT do this prefixing.We build for different OS to wrap the command to start a Terminal. The command as shown in this table:

  5. Operating System Default Command Actual Command
    Windows ssh -p $PORT $USER@$IP cmd.exe /C start ssh -p $PORT $USER@$IP
    Linux  ssh -p $PORT $USER@$IP  bash -c ssh -p $PORT $USER@$IP
    MAC  ssh -p $PORT $USER@$IP  osascript -e ssh -p $PORT $USER@$IP
  6. Click OK to start the session, opens to the SUT's command prompt. Click Exit in the Connect window when you are finished. 

  7. Clicking RESET button will reset the command to default value.

  8. Continue working with SUTs or click Close on the System Under Test Administration window.


Related Topics

  1. About Systems Under Test
  2. Adding a SUT
  3. Deleting a SUT
  4. Edit a SUT