This RESTful API is for use with your Landslide Performance Test System. This is a licensed product.
Postman is a powerful software that can send HTTP requests. Examples are provided for you to illustrate how Postman works with Landslide REST API.
Postman can be found at, the standalone, non-Chrome version, should be installed. Our examples were created using:
Postman for Windows
Version 6.1.3
win32 6.1.7601 / x64
Import the following files:
In Postman, click Import and drop/choose the .json files we provide for you:
After the import, you will see the following collections:
In Postman, select the imported environment “LandslideExample1Env” in the upper right corner:
Open the environment:
Open environment editor:
Some default values are provided however you need to configure most of them:
At minimum, you must enter your username, password, and TAS IP address.
If you are going to use the Test Session example below, you need to define the TS IDs, PHY and Starting IP Addresses that the imported test session will be assigned to. The two Starting IP Addresses are for IP Application and Local Network Host. On the example TAS above, it will use TS at ID=8, that has eth2 port with a subnet of The Test Session is just a single IP Application Node test case that does simple Data Traffic with a Local Network Host.
The Library ID is set to 0, as the example test suite will by default import the “MyExample” Test Session to the Global/0 library.
Once everything is setup, go ahead and execute each Request in the order they are presented in the Collection. Then examine the Auth, Header, Body etc to see how it works. Use a network capture tool, e.g. Wireshark, to capture the messages being sent/received to see the raw details.
NOTE: For the “Upload a TestSuite” requests, you must properly choose the test suite file:
The Upload feature of Postman does seem to have somes issues. At times it won’t properly use the selected file, and instead send up Content-length of 0 with none of the file content. You can try restarting or try selecting alternate files. Maybe this will be more stable in a newer version of Postman. Also, the “Runner” tool doesn’t support binary body file requests.
You can also use the “Runner” tool to pick a collection and execute it automatically:
Additional documentation items that are related to this manual are listed below.
Using the RESTFul API contains reference information about the Landslide RESTFul API system. Refer to Swagger UI on Landslide Home Page, it contains the latest most accurate information for anything it covers.
RESTFul API Functions - RESTful API examples.
Additional example usages of the Landslide RESTful API are provided on the Landslide Home page and others can be provided by Support.