About the Test Session Chooser

When you select Session > Open from the Main menu, the Test Session Chooser... window opens and displays the test sessions available in your library.

Test Session Chooser Components

The Test Session Chooser consists of a split pane:

Tree Structure

The tree-structure consists of 3 views:

Lists view

  • Organizes view all existing libraries in alphabetical order.
  • Right-click in to add Library to Favorites tab/view.

Tree view

  • Organizes view by System, Custom, Home/User, and Other Users, with sub-libraries under each User. where applicable.
  • Right-click in to add Library to Favorites tab/view.

Favorites view

  • Right-click in Favorites to remove from favorites.
  • Favorites are stored in your Client, separately for each TAS you log into, since each TAS will have different libraries.

NOTE: Favorites are based on CLIENT and TAS and not USER accounts.  If you log in from a different client machine or login to a different TAS you will get different list of favorites.  



The search tab allows you expand your search to the entire directory (other user directories and folders). The list display according to the search pattern: Name, Keyword, Description. In addition you may also choose to limit the number of search results. Enter the search criteria and click Search to display a filtered list.


Display pane

The right hand side display pane includes test sessions listed by Name, and includes the session Date, Keywords, and Description.

You can select a session and double-click to open or click Select to open, delete, copy, move, and rename a test session from the Test Session Chooser window. You can also use the Filter by Keyword section to limit the test sessions to displays to only those items that match a list of keywords that you choose.


NOTE: The Client maintains the last selected library, last selected view (List/Tree/Favorites), and last size/shape of the dialog while the Client is running, will reset after when you restart the Client.

Find the test session in the library... and then perform any of the following actions.

To delete a test session:

  1. Select the test session, and then click Delete. The test session is removed from the library.

You can delete a test session from any library for which you have delete permissions.

To copy, move a test session:

  1. Select the test session, and then click Copy/Move. The Copy or Move Items window displays with the selected Test Session location (source library) name, and status (for example, New to indicate a new Test Session).

NOTE: When you move test sessions, you may also move all nested items, or just move the test session and continue to point to the nested items in the current library.

  1. Select the Target Library from the tree list to which you wish to copy or move the Test Session.

  2. Select the Overwrite Existing Items checkbox to replace existing Test Session.

  3. Select Include Dependent Items (Highlighted) to ensure the Test Sessions with Linked TCs get appropriately associated with the copied/moved TCs.

  4. Click the Copy or Move button to complete the task.

To rename a test session:

  1. Select the test session, and then click Rename. The Rename test session window displays.

  2. Enter the new name and the Rename button becomes available only if a Test Session by that name doesn't exist.

You can enter an existing Test Session name as the new name, only when the Overwrite existing item with same name check box is selected

  1. Select the Overwrite existing item with same name check box to overwrite an existing Test Session.

For example, if you select Test Session A on the Test Session Chooser window, click Rename, enter the new name as Test Session C, and if Test Session C already exists, it will be overwritten by Test Session A as Test Session C.

  1. Click Rename to over write the Test Session with a new name.

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