
Nagios4 is provided on Landslide. Nagios manager is installed on TAS & Nagios agent is installed on TS. Nagios will also install SNMP.


To access the Nagios on TAS:


Use http://IPaddress/nagios4 URL. 

username: nagiosadmin

password: nagios


Configure Nagios Agent: (On Test Server)

Execute: ipcfg (to configure with Nagios Manager - No need to reboot after executing ipcfg)


Nagios :

Real-Time Log messages for Nagios: 

[2023-12-22 09:07:14.575 CST | INFO   ] TNM.Nagios is running
[2023-12-22 09:07:14.576 CST | INFO   ] TNM.Nagios still running: true
[2023-12-22 09:07:14.577 CST | SEVERE ] TNM.Nagios registering TS: DanTS138
[2023-12-22 09:07:15.580 CST | SEVERE ] TNM.Nagios registering TS: DanTS139
[2023-12-22 09:07:16.582 CST | SEVERE ] TNM.Nagios registering TS: DanTS138
[2023-12-22 09:07:18.084 CST | SEVERE ] TNM.Nagios registering TS: DanTS139
[2023-12-22 09:07:29.947 CST | SEVERE ] TNM.Nagios succeeded for TS139/DanTS139
[2023-12-22 09:07:29.950 CST | SEVERE ] TNM.Nagios succeeded for TS138/DanTS138
[2023-12-22 09:07:29.950 CST | SEVERE ] TNM.Nagios succeeded for TS139/DanTS139
[2023-12-22 09:07:29.951 CST | SEVERE ] TNM.Nagios succeeded for TS138/DanTS138

Nagios CLI commands

The commands listed below were added to be able to delete Test Servers from the Nagios configuration if needed.

There are 3 new Command Line Interface (CLI) commands available for cfguser on the TAS, listed in the TAS-help command:

##>tas-help | grep nagios

| list-nagios-ts-entries - list the Nagios TS entries         |

| delete-nagios-ts-entries - delete Nagios TS entries         |

| delete-nagios-all-ts-entries - delete all Nagios TS entries |
