These measurements record specific errors encountered during Diameter testing. Measurements appropriate to the respective Diameter application are available in the Diameter NAS Authentication, Diameter NAS Accounting, DCCA, and DRA Session report tabs.
The Information Return codes are used to inform the requester that a request could not be satisfied, and additional action is required on its part before access is granted.
1xxx Informational Sent |
Messages triggered by client shall also used in Authentication and to get access of required resources. The informational message returned by a Diameter server to inform the access device that the authentication mechanism being used requires multiple round trips, and a subsequent request needs to be issued in order for access to be granted. |
The Success Return codes are used to inform a peer that a request has been successfully completed.
2xxx Success Sent |
The Request was successfully completed. |
2xxx Success Received |
When returned, the request was successfully completed, but additional processing is required by the application in order to provide service to the user. |
Command Unsupported (3001) — A request contained a Command-Code that the server did not recognize or support.
Unable To Deliver (3002) — The message could not be delivered either because no host within the given realm was available to process the request or because the Destination-Host AVP was included and the Destination-Realm AVP was not included.
Realm Not Served (3003) — The Destination-Realm in a request was not recognized.
Too Busy (3004) — The requested server cannot provide the requested service.
Loop Detected (3005) — An agent detected a loop while trying to deliver a message, indicating a configuration problem.
Redirect Indication (3006) — A redirect agent determined that a request could not be fulfilled locally and should be sent to the server in the Redirect-Host AVP included in the response.
Application Unsupported (3007) — The server does not support the requested application.
Invalid Header Bits (3008) — Bits in the Diameter header of a request were either set to an invalid combination or to a value that is not valid for the Command-Code.
Invalid AVP Bits (3009) — Bits in an AVP flag contained in a request were set to an unrecognized or invalid value.
Unknown Peer (3010) — The server received a CER from an unknown peer.
Realm Redirect Indication (3011) — The server redirected a request directly to a peer within a realm. [RFC 7075]
Auth Rejected (4001) — The server was unable to authenticate the MN, most likely due to an invalid user name or password.
Out Of Space (4002) — The server received an accounting request but was unable to process it due to a temporary lack of space.
Election Lost (4003) — The server determined that it lost the election process and has terminated the TCP connection.
Unassigned (4004) —
MIP Reply Failure (4005) — The Home Agent informs when processing of the Registration Request fails. [RFC 4004]
HA Not Avaialble (4006) — Informs the foreign agent that the requested Home Agent cannot be assigned to the mobile node. [RFC 4004]
Bad Key (4007) — The home agent indicates to the local Diameter server that the key generated is invalid. [RFC 4004]
MIP Filter Not Supported (4008) — A mobility agent indicates to the home Diameter server that the requested packet filter Rules cannot be supported. [RFC 4004]
Unassigned (4009) — Unassigned
End User Service Denied (4010) — The credit control server denied a service request due to service restrictions.
Credit Control Not Applicable (4011) — The credit control server determined that the service can be provided to the MN but no further credit control is required for the service.
Credit Limit Reached (4012) — The credit control server denied the service request because the MN's account balance was not sufficient to cover the request.
User Name Required (4013) — The Diameter request did not contain a User-Name AVP [RFC 4740].
Resource Failure (4014) — The binding could not be installed or a new session could not be created due to resource shortage [RFC 6736].
4015-4999 Unassigned — Unassigned
AVP Unsupported (5001) — A request contained one or more AVPs marked with the Mandatory bit that were not recognized or are not supported by the server. The response will include one or more Failed-AVP AVPs, each containing an AVP that triggered the error.
Unknown Session Id (5002) — A request contained an unknown Session-Id AVP.
Author Rejected (5003) — The server could not authorize the MN for the requested service, possibly because the service is not permitted for that MN.
Invalid AVP Value (5004) — A request contained one or more AVPs with an invalid data value. The response will include one or more Failed-AVP AVPs, each containing an AVP that triggered the error.
Missing AVP (5005) — A request did not contain an AVP required by the request's Command-Code. The response will include a Failed-AVP AVP containing an example of the missing AVP, along with a data value of the correct minimum length filled with zeroes.
Resources Exceeded (5006) — A request could not be processed because the server has already allocated all allowed resource.
Contradicting AVPs (5007) — A request contained AVPs that contradict each other, causing the server to deny services. The response will include Failed-AVP AVPs containing the contradictory AVPs.
AVP Not Allowed (5008) — A request contained an AVP that must not be present. The response will include a Failed-AVP AVP containing the illegal AVP.
AVP Occurs Too Many Times (5009) — A request contained more instances of an AVP than is allowed for the message type. The response will include a Failed-AVP AVP containing the first instance of the AVP that violated the maximum number of occurrences.
No Common Application (5010) — The server does not support any of the applications listed in a CER.
Unsupported Version (5011) — The server does not support the Diameter version specified in a request.
Unable To Comply (5012) — The server rejected a request for unspecified reasons.
Invalid Bit In Header (5013) — An unrecognized bit in the Diameter header was set to 1.
Invalid AVP Length (5014) — A request contained one or more AVPs with an invalid length. The response will include Failed-AVP AVPs containing the illegal AVPs.
Invalid Message Length (5015) — A request contained an invalid message length.
Invalid AVP Bit Combo (5016) — A request contained one or more AVPs with invalid flag settings. The response will include Failed-AVP AVPs containing the illegal AVPs.
No Common Security (5017) — The server does not support any of the security mechanisms listed in a CER.
5018 Radius AVP Untranslatable — a Diameter/RADIUS gateway receives a Diameter message containing a NAS-Filter-Rule AVP that is too large to fit into a RADIUS packet [RFC 4849].
Unassigned (5019 - 5023) — Unassigned
No Foreign HA Service (5024) — Used by the AAAF to inform the AAAH that allocation of a home agent in the foreign domain is not permitted at this time. [RFC 4004]
End to End MIP Key Encryption (5025) — Used by the AAAF/AAAH to inform the peer that the requested Mobile IPv4 session keys could not be delivered via a security association.[RFC 4004]
Unassigned (5026 - 5029) — Unassigned
User Unknown (5030) — The credit control server did not recognize the MN identifier included in the request.
Rating Failed (5031) — The credit control server could not rate the service request due to insufficient rating input AVPs, an incorrect AVP combination, or an AVP value that was not recognized or that is not supported. The response will include the Failed-AVP containing a copy of the AVPs that could not be processed or an example of the missing AVP.
User Unknown (5032) — The SIP-AOR AVP value does not belong to a known user in this realm. [RFC 4740].
Identities Dont Match (5033) — The value in one of the SIP-AOR AVPs is not allocated to the user specified in the User-Name AVP. [RFC 4740].
Identity Not Registered (5034) — A query for location information is received for a SIP AOR that has not been registered before. [RFC 4740].
Roaming Not Allowed (5035) — The user is not allowed to roam to the visited network. [RFC 4740].
Identity Already Registered (5036) — The identity being registered has already been assigned a server and the registration status does not allow that it is overwritten.[RFC 4740].
Auth Scheme Not Supported (5037) — The authentication scheme indicated in an authentication request is not supported. [RFC 4740].
In Assignment Type (5038) — The user is already registered and the Server-Assignment-Request indicates the assignment for an unregistered user. [RFC 4740].
Too Much Data (5039) — The Diameter peer in the SIP server receives more data than it can accept. The SIP server cannot overwrite the already stored data. [RFC 4740].
Not Supported User Data (5040) — The SIP server informs the Diameter server that the received subscription data contained information that was not recognized or supported. [RFC 4740].
MIP6 Auth Mode (5041) — The Diameter server to inform the peer that the requested Mobile IPv6 Authentication Protocol usage mode is not supported. [RFC 5778]
Unknown Binding Template Name (5042) — The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device indicates that the binding could not be installed or a new session could not be created because the specified NAT-Control-Binding-Template AVP, which refers to a predefined policy template in the NAT device, is unknown. [RFC 6736].
Binding Failure (5043) — The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device indicates that the requested binding(s) could not be installed. For example, Requested ports are already in use. [RFC 6736].
Max Bindings Set Failure (5044) — The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device indicates that it failed to conform to a request to configure the maximum number of bindings for a session. For example, an operator defined the maximum number of bindings on the NAT device using a method or protocol that takes precedence over DNCA. [RFC 6736].
Max Bindings Reached For Endpoint (5045) — The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device denies the request because the maximum number of allowed bindings has been reached for the specified endpoint classifier. [RFC 6736].
Session Exists (5046) — The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device denies a request to initialize a new session, if it already has a DNCA session that uses the same set of classifiers as indicated by the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller in the new session initialization request. [RFC 6736].
Insufficient Classifiers (5047) — The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device requests to initialize a new session, if the classifiers in the request match more than one of the existing sessions on the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device. [RFC 6736].
EAP Code Unknown (5048) — This error code is used by the Diameter server to inform the peer that the received EAP-Payload AVP contains an EAP packet with an unknown EAP code. [RFC 6942].