Diameter Result Codes

These measurements record specific errors encountered during Diameter testing. Measurements appropriate to the respective Diameter application are available in the Diameter NAS Authentication, Diameter NAS Accounting, DCCA, and DRA Session report tabs.


The Information Return codes are used to inform the requester that a request could not be satisfied, and additional action is required on its part before access is granted.

1xxx Informational Sent  

Messages triggered by client shall also used in Authentication and to get access of required resources.

The informational message returned by a Diameter server to inform the access device that the authentication mechanism being used requires multiple round trips, and a subsequent request needs to be issued in order for access to be granted.


The Success Return codes are used to inform a peer that a request has been successfully completed.

2xxx Success Sent

The Request was successfully completed.

2xxx Success Received

When returned, the request was successfully completed, but additional processing is required by the application in order to provide service to the user.

Protocol Errors

Transient Failures

Permanent Failures