Server Capabilities - From 0 to 10
Increase or decrease Number of Server Capabilities by using: Add, Delete Enter Type, Capability  Type - Mandatory or Optional Use Tcl Icon to find Tcl Variable names
Server Names - From 0 to 10
Increase or decrease Number of Server Names by using: Add, Delete 
Use Tcl Icon to find Tcl Variable names.
Enable PSI (Public Service ID) - From 0 to 10 Per TS 29.228 v 14.5.0 and TS 29.229 v 14.2.0
Increase or decrease Number of Public Server IDs by using: Add, Delete Enter Server Identity - Can either be a distinct Public Service ID or a Wildcarded PSI. See note below on wildcarding PSI. Enter AS Name - Enter Application server name.
LIR (Location info Request) is used between the I-CSCF and the HSS to obtain the name of the
S-CSCF assigned to a Public User Identity or to obtain Application Server name hosting a Public Service Identity.
If the LIR includes the Public Service Identity, the HSS shall return the Application Server name.
13.4A Wildcarded Public User Identity Public User Identities may be stored in the HSS as Wildcarded Public User Identities. A Wildcarded Public User Identity represents a collection of Public User Identities that share the same service profile and are included in the same implicit registration set. Wildcarded Public User Identities enable optimization of the operation and maintenance of the nodes for the case in which a large amount of users are registered together and handled in the same way by the network. The format of a Wildcarded Public User Identity is the same as for the Wildcarded PSI.
The public service identity shall take the form of either a SIP URI (see IETF RFC 3261 [26]) or a Tel URI (see IETF RFC 3966 [45]). A public service identity identifies a service, or a specific resource created for a service on an application server. The domain part is pre-defined by the IMS operators and the IMS system provides the flexibility to dynamically create the user part of the PSIs. The PSIs are stored in the HSS either as a distinct PSI or as a wildcarded PSI. A distinct PSI contains the PSI that is used in routing , whilst a wildcarded PSI represents a collection of PSIs. Wildcarded PSIs enable optimization of the operation and maintenance of the nodes. A wildcarded PSI consists of a delimited regular expression located either in the userinfo portion of the SIP URI or in the telephone-subscriber portion of the Tel URI. The regular expression in the wildcarded PSI shall take the form of Extended Regular Expressions (ERE) as defined in chapter 9 in IEEE 1003.1- 2004 Part 1 [60]. The delimiter shall be the exclamation mark character ("!"). If more than two exclamation mark characters are present in the userinfo portion or telephone-subscriber portion of a wildcarded PSI then the outside pair of exclamation mark characters is regarded as the pair of delimiters (i.e. no exclamation mark characters are allowed to be present in the fixed parts of the userinfo portion or telephone-subscriber portion). When stored in the HSS, the wildcarded PSI shall include the delimiter character to indicate the extent of the part of the PSI that is wildcarded. It is used to separate the regular expression from the fixed part of the wildcarded PSI. Example: The following PSI could be stored in the HSS - "sip:chatlist!.*[email protected]". When used on an interface, the exclamation mark characters within a PSI shall not be interpreted as delimiter.. Example: The following PSIs communicated in interface messages to the HSS will match to the wildcarded PSI of "sip:chatlist!.*[email protected]" stored in the HSS: sip:[email protected] sip:[email protected] sip:[email protected] sip:[email protected] Note that sip:[email protected] and sip:[email protected] are regarded different specific PSIs, both matching the wildcarded PSI sip:chatlist!.*[email protected]. When used by an application server to identify a specific resource (e.g. a chat session) over Inter Operator Network to Network Interface (II-NNI), the PSI should be a SIP URI without including a port number.
 Type - Mandatory or Optional Use Tcl Icon to find Tcl Variable names