WebDAV Media

WebDAV Media is used in IP Application node when WebDAV is enabled to push Media files to the BMSC.

Nodes and Assigned Media Files

Number of Node Groups



Related Measurements

Measurements collected on IP Application node Test Summary report.


Number of Node Groups

Up to 100 Media Groups. Used to index table (Group#). Each group will share the same media configurations.

Range 1 to 100

Default = 1

Tcl Parameter: MediaNumNodeGroups

# of Nodes

Number of Nodes in the Group.  The range will automatically when # of Nodes is entered.

Range 1 to 100

Default = 1

Tcl Parameter: MediaNumNodes_1

Event Length (s)

Enter the Event length in seconds.

Range from 0 to 2147483647

Default = 3600 (1 hour)

Tcl Parameter: MediaEventTimeLen_1

Segment Length (s)

Enter the segment time length in seconds.

Range from 1 to 60

Default = 10

Tcl Parameter: MediaSegmentTimeLen_1

Segment Type

Enter Segment Type. Two options = 3gp or mp4  

Tcl Parameter: MediaSegmentType_1

Assigned Media File

Enter Media File.

Range up to 64 bytes

Tcl Parameter: MediaAssignedFile_1