In DRA Nodal test case, the Policy tab on Sy Interface allows you to define attributes for processing PCC rules for different subscriber groups and server groups. In addition, you may also define when/how a policy would be applied.
The Sy reference interfaces between the Policy and Charging Rule Function (PCRF) and the Online Charging System (OCS). See also DRA Nodal Sy Interface
In OCS Node test case, the Policy tab defines attributes for defining Spending Limits related messages between OCS Node and the PCRF (OCS Sy Session Measurements).
The Policy tab in OCS Node test case allows you to define attributes for Spending Limits:
Policy Counters (DRA) |
Policy Counters (OCS) |
Policy Counters (PCRF) |
NOTE: Click |
Notification Interval | Indicates a period of time to wait before sending a notification (SNR). Default: 5 Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyNotificationInterval
Add Prefix to Status Counter | As of release 16.6 the "Add Prefix to Status Counter" has been upgraded to a checkbox only. The single text field for the prefix value has been replaced by a new column in the table (Status Counter Prefix) so that each row can be configured with a different value. And when the prefix option is active, the Initial Status column will accept a -1 to indicate "no value" for Initial Status. ( The status message is then based on the prefix alone) Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyStatusPrefixEn |
Delay (s)
After SNR After SLA |
Indicates a period of time to wait before sending RAR (for rules) towards PGW - After SNR delay. This delay is introduced on the Sy session to avoid the RAR initiation before the final CCR/CCA between PGW and OCS. Indicate a period of time to wait (After SLAntimer) after SLA, the RAR messages will be sent out after APNs are established. PCRF Node only. As of Release 16.2, the Action Delay Timer has been split into two timers, After SNR and After SLA. Select the appropriate timer.
Range : 0 to 65 seconds Default: 0 (0 means no delay) Tcl Parameter: SyClnActionDelayEn Tcl Parameter: SyClnActionDelay Tcl Parameter: SyClnActionDelaySlaEn Tcl Parameter: SyClnActionDelaySla |
Policy Counters | Indicates the number of PCC Policies defined. Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyNumCounters Options: 1 - 30 Default: 1 Click
Report at percentage of quota | Only available on OCS Node when Sy Linked with Ro checkbox is enabled. With this checkbox turned off, the SNR is sent with absolute reporting value only when the Credit Limit is reached. See Reporting Value. With this checkbox enabled, OCS Node initiates SNR towards PCRF when there is a User defined Quota value.
When "Report at percentage of quota" is checked, the units of the Reporting Value field, will be a % percentage of the Reporting Value instead of an Absolute Value. So when "Report at percentage of quota" is checked, the "Reporting Value (%)" field in the table is when is the first STATUS-Level that will be reported. If 55 is entered, that means the first status level reported will be 60, once the CCRU reports a value that's at 55% or greater, the OCS will send the current status. If the value reported is 55% to 60%, it will report S60 If the value reported is 61-80%, it will report 80.
Reporting Threshold values (Intervals) are based on the "Reporting Value (%) " . If the "Reporting Value (%) " is 20, then the reporting Threshold values (intervals) are 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100%. If the "Reporting Value (%)" is 50, then the reporting Threshold values are 50, and 100%. If the "Reporting Value (%)" is 80, then the reporting Threshold values are 80, and 100%. If the "Reporting Value (%)" is 25, then the reporting Threshold values are 25, 50, 75, and 100%.
The "Reporting Statuses" that are sent are equal to the Threshold values that get defined. So that when a CCRU comes in that indicates "% of Pool Quota Used" is 64, for each example above, If the "Reporting Value (%)" is 20, then the reported status would be 80 (Round to Upper Bound). If the "Reporting Value (%)" is 50, then the reported status would be 100. If the "Reporting Value (%)" is 80, then the reported status would be 80. If the "Reporting Value (%)" is 25, then the reported status would be 75.
Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyRptPctQuotaEn Options: 1 - 100 Default: 100 |
Reset to Initial Status after threshold | This field is available only when Notification interval is enabled (when Sy is not linked with Ro) When this field is not checked, the policy counter status is not included on any further SNR with reset initial value. Default: True (checked) Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyResetInitValEn |
Policy Counter ID | Indicates the policy counter Id.
Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyCounterId_1 Options: 1 -30 (indicates the row ID) OCS Node test case: The PCRF subscribes to OCS for a given subscriber ID and policy counter ID, by sending SLR (initial). |
Status Counter Prefix | Available in OCS Node Test Case when Add Prefix to Status Counter is enabled. As of release 16.6 the "Add Prefix to Status Counter" has been upgraded. The single text field for the prefix value has been replaced by (Status Counter Prefix) column in the table so that each row can be configured with a different value. And when the prefix option is active, the Initial Status column will accept a -1 to indicate "no value" for Initial Status. ( The status message is then based on the prefix alone) Default: S Range: 0 to 12 ASCII characters, Blank prefixes will be allowed but whitespace characters will be rejected. Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyStatusPrefix_1 |
Initial Status | Indicates the initial status value in the SLA. The value can be prefixed by the contents of "Add Prefix to Status Counter" if enabled. (The default string value of Add Prefix to Status Counter = S). As of release 16.6 the "Add Prefix to Status Counter" has been upgraded. The single text field for the prefix value has been replaced by a new column in the table (Status Counter Prefix) so that each row can be configured with a different value. And when the prefix option is active, the Initial Status column will accept a -1 to indicate "no value" for Initial Status. ( The status message is then based on the prefix alone). If -1 is entered, the row must have a non-blank Status Counter Prefix value. Default is 0.
Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyInitialStatus_1 (_2, _3, .... _30 based on the row ID) |
OCS Node test case: OCS responds with SLA, includes the Initial Policy counter status, and pending policy counter, if any, with their pre-configured change time. |
Increment | Indicates the value by which the Status is incremented on subsequent notification. Default is 1/5th the Threshold value. Maximum = Threshold. ( for example, possible status values are S0, S20, S40, S60, and S80). The PCRF performs QoS related action depending on this value. The status values depend on the incr. If increment is configured as 1, status value will be S1, S2 and so on. Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyStatusIncrement_1 (_2, _3, .... _30 based on the row ID) |
Threshold | Indicates the upper limit of the status value. When this value is reached, the status is reset to the Initial value. Default: 100 Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyStatusThreshold_1 (_2, _3, .... _30 based on the row ID) |
OCS Node test case: The number of times SNR is sent depends on the increment and threshold value. If there is no further change in status, no further SNR will be send. If the Sy Client sends SLR to modify, the value will be reset to Initial Value. |
Pending | Select to indicate the Policy counter has a pending status value. If it is pending the pending status value status value will be sent. It will be the incremented value from the existing value, as the “pending change time is” due. Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyPendingChangeTimeEn_1 (_2, _3, .... _30 based on the row ID) |
Pending Change Times (s) | Available for edit only if Pending is selected. Select to enter a Pending offset time. The AVP Pending change time is calculated based on this offset. Default: 5 when Pending is selected and Blank when Pending is not selected Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyPendingChangeTime_1 (_2, _3, .... _30 based on the row ID) |
Reporting Value | When pool is exhausted, the value policy counter status to be sent to the PCRF from OCS. This changes from an absolute value to a percentage when flag Report at percentage of quota is enabled. Default: 100 Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyReportingValue_1 (_2, _3, .... _30 based on the row ID)
Consider this configuration for example. We send SNR with a status report value S30, if the usage report is in the CCR (U) 30% or less. Usage report is coming from PGW, it need not be exactly 30, If the usage report in the CCRU for this credit type is any value between 0 and 30, then Policy counter status value is S30. We always send the upper limit. If CCR(U) send values by 10, the first CCRU(U ) with usage report 10 will report status value S30 The second CCR (u) with 10, will not report any because, the accumulated usage (20%) is still within the threshold of 30.
Since Ro configuration tab total octect is 100. When the second CCRU( u) comes with another 30,( or any value more than 0 the total usage is exceeded 30 %, and we will send 60% , so we will send s60 , When the user configure
the step size as 100, that means we do not have
a separate “ interval”, the first usage report will trigger an
SNR with value S100. The PCRF side will make use of the policy counter status value and do the necessary action ( either rule install or remove)
Ro Credit Pool | The index to the Pool ID configured in the Ro Session. Default: 1 Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyPoolId_1 (_2, _3, .... _30 based on the row ID) |
Credit Type | The associated credit type. The values are among the configured values in the Ro Interface. Options: Time, Total Octets, Input Octets, Output Octets, and Specific Units. Default: Time Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyCreditType_1 (_2, _3, .... _30 based on the row ID) |
Messages | Available in OCS Node Test Case. Select to assign the policy counter to SLA, SNR or Both message types. Options: Both, SLA, SNR. Default: Both Tcl Parameter: SyPolicyStatusMessages_1 (_2, _3, .... _30 based on the row ID) |