You may define Conditional Branch command that instructs the DRA to execute any command within a flow when some predefined conditions are met.
The Conditional Branch command evaluates pre-configured expressions and then jumps to a different command in a message flow based on the result of the evaluation. The pre-configured expressions specify the AVP (for example, result-code) of the received diameter message used for evaluation and how the AVP is compared with (i.e., the operator used to compare, for example, equal-to) the provided value. You may use a Conditional Branch command to implement an IF, IF-ELSE, basic loop logic; or, multiple Conditional Branch commands for implementing more complex evaluation.
Additional Message Flow details in Message Flows topic.
Set up/configure condition/evaluation expressions in a Conditional Branch command.
Click to
add a row to specify a Condition Expression used to execute Condition
Branch command. You may add a maximum of five condition expressions,
after which the Click -- to delete the selected row. |
Select an AVP of a received message which will be used in an expression.
Operator |
Select an operator/condition from the list.
Value |
Enter an appropriate value for the selected operator. When multiple values are required (for example, ‘inrange(x-y) operator), use space to separate values. |
If true GOTO | Indicates the command is executed when a result of the evaluation is TRUE. When a Command ID is not provided, defaults to the next Command ID in the message flow. When this parameter is set to zero (0), it indicated the end of a flow (i.e., to abort).
If false GOTO | Indicates the command is executed when a result of the evaluation is FALSE. When a Command ID is not provided, defaults to the next Command ID in the message flow.. When this parameter is set to zero (0), it indicated the end of a flow (i.e., to abort).
Expire after lifetime (count) | Selected by default and the count is set as 1. You may change the value of the count.
If expires GOTO | Available only when Expire after lifetime (count) is selected. Specifies the ID of any command in a message flow which will be executed when a Conditional Branch command expires (see Expire after lifetime). When a Command ID is not provided, defaults to the next Command ID in the message flow. When this parameter is set to zero (0), it indicated the end of a flow (i.e., to abort).
Condition Branch Command Execution:The following lists the Condition Branch command execution after evaluating the conditional expressions.
GOTO Command # | Click ... and select the command Id from the list.