Cleaning Up Files

Use the TAS Manager Console when you need to clean up various backup files on TAS. You can download and/or cleanup files by automatically selecting files older than a specified period, but choose to keep a selected number of files.

The TAS Manager recommends cleaning up files older than twelve months. If files older than one year exists on the TAS, when you login to the TAS Manager, a message displays recommending cleanup: Files older than 1 year found, System->File Cleanup Recommended

To clean files:

  1. Select System > File Cleanup from the menu. The Cleanup Administration Files on TAS window opens and displays all TAS Upgrade, TAS Backup, TAS License, and TS Upgrade files located on the TAS on separate tabs.

NOTE: When you select System > File Cleanup, a progress bar at the top of the window indicates the task in progress, for example, Finding TAS Upgrades, Finding TAS Upgrades, Finding TAS Backups, Finding TAS Licenses, and Finding TS Upgraded when the tabs are being updated/populated.
  1. Select files for download and/or cleanup automatically or manually.

To Automatically select files to cleanup and/or download:

To manually select files to cleanup and/or download,

  1. Click the Download button to download files to a local directory. Select the target directory to save files and click the Save button.  All selected files on all tabs (TAS Upgrades, TAS Backups, TAS Licenses, and TS Upgrades) will be downloaded to that directory, overwriting any existing files.

  2. Click the Cleanup button will delete all the selected files on all tabs.  

If the files you have kept is less that the number indicated in the always keep at least dropdown list a dialog displays asking you to confirm deletion.

NOTE: A progress bar at the top of the window indicates the task in progress, that is, the files are being downloaded, or cleaned up. The files cleaned up/downloaded are displayed to the main TAS Manager window.