Use the TAS Manager Console or the TAS Manager Web UI to change the password for the TAS cfguser account at any time.
NOTE: If you forgot your cfguser password or you need any further assistance , contact Technical Support. |
To change the cfguser password for Basic Security TAS:
Select Change cfguser Password from the Logout menu.
Enter the Current Password.
Enter a password that meets the requirements... in the New Password and Verify Password fields, and then click OK.
If the new password passes validation testing, the password is changed and a confirmation message is displayed. If the two new password entries do not match, or if the password you selected does not meet the password requirements, an error message will be displayed.
To change the cfguser password for Advanced Security TAS:
The cfguser and other OS users are managed with Radius. See the Radius User section of the Advanced_Security.pdf.
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