Managing Custom Libraries

Users with Test Administrator permissions or higher can add, modify, or delete custom libraries. These libraries will be displayed in the library tree pane used when opening, saving, importing, or exporting test elements. Use the Custom Library Administration window... to manage your libraries. The standard test libraries provided with the test system cannot be modified or deleted.

To open the Custom Library Administration window:

To add a custom library:
  1. Click Add and the Add Custom Library window opens. You can define up to 10 custom libraries.

  2. Enter the library Name. A name can be up to 30 characters, and it must begin with a letter or number. The name can contain letters, numbers, periods, dashes, and blank spaces. When a custom library name is displayed in a drop-down list, it is enclosed in brackets.

  3. If you want to allow all users to Read / Write to the library, select the Read/Write by All Users box. If you want to allow all users to Read the library and Test Admins Plus + to Read / Write to the Library, select the Read by All Users, Read/Write for Test Admins+ box. If you want to allow all users to Read the library and System Admins Plus + to Read / Write to the Library, select the Read by All Users, Read/Write for System Admins+ box. If you want to allow Test Admins+ and Test Operators users to Read / Write to the library, select the Read/Write by Test Admins+ and a specific group of Test Operators box and select the User Group to include.

  4. Click OK to add the library or Cancel to close the window without adding the library.

To modify a custom library:
  1. Select the library and click Modify. The Modify Custom Library window opens and displays the library definition.

  2. Modify the Name or the checkbox.

  3. Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to discard your changes.

To delete a custom library:
  1. Select the library and click Delete and the Delete Custom Library window opens.

  2. Click OK to delete the library or click Cancel to retain the library.

    WARNING: When you delete a custom library, all test elements contained in the library are also deleted.



Related Topics

  1. About Custom Libraries
  2. About Test Libraries